The Mozart Effect

So is it true - yes or no?

  Preschoolers who studied piano  performed 34% better in spatial and
  temporal reasoning ability than  preschoolers who spent the same
  amount of time leaming to use computers.
                 -Rauscher and Shaw, as reported in Neurological Research, February 1997

  Listening to music can increase levels of interleukin-1 (IL-1) in the
  blood from 12.5 to 14%.  Interleukins are a family of proteins
  associated with blood and platelet production, lymphocyte stimulation
  and cellular protection against AIDS, cancer, and other diseases.
          -Michigan State University as  reported in The Mozart Effect, Don Campbell 1997

  For the unborn Child, classical music, played at a rhythm of 60
  beats per minute, equivalant to that of a resting human heart, provides
  an environment conductive to creative and intellectual development.
             -Dr Thomas Verny, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child

This segment is from the Wednesday, August 25,1999 All Things Considered
Mozart Effect

New research is casting doubt on the "Mozart Effect." That's the name given
to a study published in 1993, showing that college students did better
solving certain problems after they listened to a Mozart sonata. The effect
has been the basis for playing classical music in many early learning
situations as a way to boost IQ. But now, NPR's Joe Palca reports
researchers say they can't replicate the original study. (4:30)